Monate: Oktober 2016

9 Lokean Virtues

pic copyright by Coyote Dagulf Loptson created following guiding principles for Lokeans, based upon the 9 Noble Virtues in Heathenry – which I liked, hence the sharing: 1. Truth: Be real. Be true to yourself as much as you are to others. Don’t apologize for who you are. 2. Humor: Learn to find the humor in all things, especially in yourself. This is how we learn not to be self-righteous assholes. 3. Humility: If you need to tie your balls to a goat to get shit done, suck it up buttercup. 4. Cunning: Try to think outside the box. Don’t make a mess so big that you can’t think your way out of it. 5. Transformation: Don’t be afraid of change, because that’s how we grow. Don’t be afraid of self-examination and listen to constructive criticism. 6. Creativity: Create awesome stuff. Try new things out. If you don’t like it, blow it up and try again. 7. Accountability: You are the only one in charge of your own destiny, your own life, and your own …

Loki’s Stave

pic by Nick Robles I‘ve read Dagulf Loptson’s book Playing With Fire: An Exploration of Loki Laufeyjarson and loved this: Loki’s Stave by Dagulf Loptson 1. Listen to the words of the closer, the blazing one, I who have borne witness to human evolution since man first claimed my power. 2. You have no cause to fear me, for I am already within you. I speak to you from the depths of your intellect, I call to you from your secret desires, I sleep within the blood in your veins. 3. My voice is in the crackle of the flame, and the laughter of the innocent, and the hiss of the serpent. 4. I am the bright companion of thunder, and I strike with inspiration. I am the spark of genius that drives you towards greatness; To abandon me is to embrace the darkness of ignorance. 5. I am an all-consuming pleasure that reddens your flesh with my embrace; I give you the color of gods so you’ll remember that you are divine. 6. I …